NL- Donny Long put up a website with a list of all of Mark Spiegler’s girls, next to many of their stage names he posted their real names. I think this makes Donny a Class A ScumBag. I will e-mail the link to Mark. If any of Mark’s girls want to see the list e-mail me at and I will send you the link. Or better yet DM or Tweet me on Twitter and make sure you are following me and I"ll DM you the link.
I won’t be posting the link on this site just as I won’t post stars real names on this site, 99% of stars anyway. I may make an exception to my rule and post Donny Long’s real name. Karma is a bitch. And i can be too, when it’s necessary & deserved.
Any lawyer’s out there who can give an opinion on this? Any laws being broken by opening up the girls to stalkers and invading their privacy, by subjecting their children & their families to danger?
Your a moron because the only reason the site was made is because mark made a site with my real name on it and he was fair warned if he did it, that him and his girls would be exposed. Payback is a bitch, and this fat cock sucker doesnt not care about his talent!
Get your facts in order before you talk shit about what I do
As far as real names are concerned I dont see any need unless they’ve made their real names known, or they are published by the legitimate press. Donny’s sunk as low as one of his fine boats in the swamp water in Florida, problem is that most porn agents are similar to what swims in that swamp.
By the way its not even my site so good luck with a suit hahahahhaha
Who would bother to sue Donny Long? DONNY IS SO BROKE HE IS SUE PROOF!!! lol
Can anyone please explain how is this supposed to hurt Spiegler?
Good point newklear, nice to see Mark uses the same tailor as Ron Jeremy. Wonder if Mark and John Janiero have to fight for the last too tight black t shirt on the rack at K Mart?
I didn’t know Donkey fucked Tranny’s. That’s HILARIOUS!
Tranny Fucker’s Birthday is today. Happy Birthday Turdboy!
Donny is such a loser. He failed in Los Angeles after sleeping in his “studio” to save money and now he is sitting in his mobile home on a stolen laptop trying to get back at guys he envies.
Everyone knows Mark Speigler is a pimp. Donny is just mad be cant be a pimp. To be a pimp you need to be smooth and even handed. Donny is too bipolar to be a pimp. Plus pimps cant bang the girls. Donny would be trying to get laid all the time.
Its sad really. Donny tells spams different websites saying that he is ‘retiring’ from the money he makes off xxxpornjobs but then in the next sentence he is telling people to on on twitter and promote the site.
In the words of the immortal Rick James:
“Drugs are a bitch!”
Has John Janiero ever worked for a REAL porn company?
fucking loser his beef is with mark so why fuck over girls who have done nothing to him? That really hurts Mark lol hey Donny, your veins look ripe for a nice toxic needle in that photo lol
Correct Newklear, Larry, Mariah….
Donny, you got beef with Spiegler? Don’t take it out on his girls! That’s really fucking low!
Have you ever seen Donny perform?
Given what Donny has just done, why would anyone want to do business with him?
Mark, I honestly had never heard of Donny before I read the first post about him on this forum a few months ago lol in 12 years and over 500 scenes his name had never crossed my path. Maybe it did at some point was never ever mentioned in a conversation with me, but I could have present when someone said it to someone else.
Trannyfucker’s Birthday! Turdboy indeed, and he shat all over that shoot last year to claim the title.
I just find it amusing that Donny’s conduct is now even more worthy of contempt then the average XPT poster, and from personal experience, I know that takes a whole lot of work
First with the Chasey Lain meltdown video which actually went mainstream on many mainstream celebrity blogs & forums. I read a few of them and Donny was detested by many who never watch porn but because of how badly he treated Chasey.
Now this. You’ve finally did it now. These women have nothing to do with the feud between you two and many are no longer in porn, from what others have said. Whatever happens to you now after this latest stunt of yours, you have no one but yourself to blame.
Calling CL all those names and then posting those women’s names on a web site does not help Long’s cause, whatever it is? It gives people the impression that the men in the porn biz are a pack of misogynistic wolves…
Don’t think I’m defending Donny Douche or anything, but how much of a transgression is it to give out these girls’ real names? I just did a google search to see how difficult it would be find them on my own and within 30 seconds I located a site that has the working and real names of every porn star I’ve ever even heard of. EVER. Just google “porn stars real names” and add the name of a prominent performer and there you go.
I guess what I mean to say is it’s a dick move to intentionally out people, but how much can they be outed when their names weren’t a secret in the first place?
Just general principal. It’s as if he’s trying to shame them…I don’t Erik Everhard or Mark Davis would ever do that. Those guys are pros. DD sounds so angry.
I found a site with some names. I’m not on it though. What a shame. Interesting after scrolling through it quickly, I noticed a few girls stage names are also their real names. All I need is their date of birth and I can do their numerology.
So its safe to say Donald XXXX XXXXXX here after that. (NL-nope)
Donald who? Donald Trump? Donald Duck? Donald McRonald? Who really cares, anyway?
Donny, If Mark posted your legal name, then post HIS back.. What the fuck do his girls have to do with you and him? I tried to be objective and hear both sides, but according to YOUR OWN WORDS, you seem like the douchebag here. If you punch me in the face, I don’t punch your mom in her face to get back at you.. thats basically what you did. You are a scumball, and as a paid user of your “talent finding” site (which doesn’t work anyway, because youre such a narcissistic douchebag that you block all the male performers relevant info), I’m cancelling my membership asap.
What’s next? Our blood test results with our real and stage names will be made public too?
That would be awesome. Then we could really see the legal sparks fly.
Do it, D’ong, do it!
damn, no wonder no one accept Talent Testing any longer! I’ve used it a few times but only dealt with the owner.
The more we talk about this guy, the more press he gets. And I agree, if you have an issue with Speigler take it out on him not the girls. His actions are affecting one of my clients, since he posted her real name.