
Apparently the HIV positive guy is TJ Cummings

When I read that the guy who has recently tested positive for HIV was TJ Cummings, I was really surprised. He has been in the business since 1998 and in that time has worked with just about every company you can imagine including Vivid, Evil Angel, Metro, Adam and Eve, Club Jenna, Bluebird Films, Brazzers, VCA, Hustler, Metro, Wicked Pictures …. I mean the list goes on and on and on. He’s done over 400 scenes during the span of his career and worked with most of the hot LA porn stars during that time.

tj cummings

The last report I heard about the guy exposed was that he wasn’t really that high profile. And while it’s true TJ Cummings may not be as famous as say James Deen, he’s still a very well known and active talent in the LA porn scene and that means he had the potential to expose a large number of very high profile girls to HIV. This isn’t just some random guy that sometimes gets work … he’s one of the regular porn studs hired by all the big studios. That worries me a lot.

Mike South reports: The performer in question has been identified correctly as TJ Cummings.  I tried to reach out to him and help him come forward on his own, I would have preferred that he be given the time to work that out but he wasn’t.  From what i know, he has no agent so there is difficulty getting an exposure list together, he is co-operating with PASS to do this.

3 thoughts on “Apparently the HIV positive guy is TJ Cummings

  1. Audrey Horne says:

    He has done some gay porn, but that’s beside the point. He prolly got it from someone in the straight porn biz too. Revealing someone’s HIV positive status to the whole wide world — isn’t that illegal or something?! Unless of course the person agreed to divulge his/her HIV status.

    1. K, it’s a bit odd you are responding to a this post is almost 5 years old and had zero comments but after reading your comment i’m left wondering what is your point? For one he did a LOT of gay porn. He also had many same sex relationships off camera as well. You stating he “prolly” got it from a straight performer is completely untrue and not based on any facts whatsoever. It is more likely he came in contact with the virus in his personal life. Relationships with trans, bi and gay men def raised his risk level but i still couldn’t say it “prolly” was. More likely but there’s no evidence to suggest it was one or the other besides the odds and statistics and they mean shit seeing it’s about one case. If you were to use the odd and stats as the criteria it would point away from what you suggest “prolly” happened. Anyway if the point you are trying to get across is about revealing someones HIV status online then that’s easy…No it’s not illegal unless..it’s a medical proffesional who disclosing your status. Even suing for slander or liable is a waste of time since the whole defamation law is too protect people from lies being spread. That being said i’m pretty sure posting someones actual records online has consequences

    2. TRPWL reported TJ claimed to have contracted it in bar in NY from oral. The only partner TJ alleged he couldn’t track down was his bar partner

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