
Christie Stevens Would NOT Marry A Zombie- An Exclusive Interview


Interview by C. Loftus

Photos Courtesy of L.A. Direct Models


Christie Stevens is in a music video so dirty it got yanked from YouTube. She says that she can’t think of much she wouldn’t do in a porn movie, but maybe not a triple anal.  She’s practicing right now for her first (single) anal scene. She is extra proud of her blowjob skills and says she doesn’t just lay there, she participates! This cutie has been in the biz for less than a year and she is a star already. She’s adorable, nasty and can act, what a perfect combination !


Hi Christie! Nice to talk to you. I saw you tweet about working tonight.  So I’m guessing you were busy for the last three hours doing cam shows. How was it?
It was good, fun. I talked to some fans and made some new fans. I masturbated a lot.
I’m intrigued by web cam shows. I think it’s a really cool way for fans to interact with you. It’s almost like they get to direct you in a movie.
It is cool. They can make requests and we can chat and get naked.
And you can see them too right? If they want you too.
Yes. It’s called cam to cam where they can turn on their web cam. But they don’t have to do that if they don’t want to.
But I bet a lot of guys want to watch you, but they also like you to watch them.
Yes, they do.

I was talking to Aaliyah Love last month and she said one of the things she liked about doing porn movie scenes rather than web cam was that she gave her wrist a rest, because she was getting carpel tunnel from masturbating so much.

That is hilarious. That is totally what is going to happen to me.
So pretty much for the last three hours you were talking and masturbating.
Yes pretty much.
What makes it fun? What kind of things do guys ask you for that are interesting and different?
Role-playing is fun. That always makes it different. One time I also had a couple on there and they turned on their web cam and I got to watch them. That was like a virtual threesome. That was really cool. I got a little show. So different stuff like that is always fun.
What’s the weirdest thing anybody ever wanted or asked?
Oh, wow. Uhmm. Someone wanted me to pretend to be hypnotized and than act like a robot and walk around and talk in a robot voice. I was a naked robot.
That sounds like someone had a very vivid imagination. I would think that would be hard to do and keep a straight face.
Yeah, I’m a good actress though.
?I heard that about you.
Oh, really?

I heard that you are a good actress and that you should be doing feature roles in movies because you are good at dialog.
Oh, thank you. I take acting classes, so I am working on it.
Being a porn star has a lot of versatility. If you come in with the right attitude and skill set, it’s a pretty good job.
Yeah it is. I love it so far.
Okay, let’s go back to the beginning. Where were you born and raised?
I was born in Orange County in California. I grew up in Temecula. I went to high school in Temecula.

What were you like in high school?
I was kind of shy. I was kind of a nerd actually and I was a late bloomer. So I got really good grades. I focused on school until my senior year. My senior year after I got accepted to college, I came out of my shell a little bit and partied just a little.
Did you have any jobs during high school, like working at fast food or anything?
Yeah, I did dance growing up so I was a dance teacher at a studio and I taught ballet and that kind of stuff. Also I worked at Hollister, the clothing store.
And then you went to college, and what did you get your degree in?
A bachelor of science in Mass Communications with an emphasis in public relations.
Oh, so you’ve got the right job now, don’t you! That’s why you are so good at promoting yourself!
Yeah, I do. I am mass communication! (Laughs)
You are even using that body language.
Yep, it is internationally recognized! (Laughs)
Your teachers should go back and retroactively give you straight “A”s.
I know!

Do you still hang out with anyone from high school or college? And are they shocked by what you are doing now?

Not anyone from high school. There are one or two from college and no they are not really shocked. That was my personality. I’m really sexual. I was a dancer at a Gentlemen’s club while I was in college so I guess my job now is a natural progression.
How did you go from shy high school girl to college stripper?
I don’t even know. I guess all that sexual energy I had had been repressed inside of me. After I got good grades and got into college, I just let it all out.
Did your high school friends get the benefits of your horniness or did you wait until you were out of that school?
A couple did. Mostly it went on in college.
So in college you turned into the sexual person and let it all out.
I did.
And slept with guys and girls?
Yes. I did actually.
Isn’t college wonderful?
It is. That whole story people tell about their college roommate…, well, we really did get it on. She was hot. It was my freshmen year in the dorms.
How nice. Sex whenever you want it.
It was convenient.

They make a million porn movies on that topic of female college roommates having sex and here you are with the real life story. So did you get into porn during college or after?

A couple months after. I took my LSAT test, which is the law school entrance exam, and I did pretty good on it. I definitely had potential and I could have gone to law school. But it was so lame. I didn’t want to go from this high energy entertainment job at a strip club to sitting at a desk in an office. So porn is something that I had wanted to do for a very long time, and I decided to go for it. There is this window of time that I have where I can make it happen. Grad school I can do at any time. So I filled out some online applications for agencies and I flew out here.
And now here you are. Are you living in L.A.?

And who was your first scene with?
My first scene was with Justin Magnum.
With that name I would imagine he had a really big cock.
He was big, yes.
What were you thinking, doing your first scene with a guy with a big dick?
Well I was a little nervous, but I’ve had big dicks before. Basically I was really excited to do it. They whole time they were asking if I was okay and I was like, yes, I am fine! So they told me I was a natural.
What company was it?
It was for a small website, something like Horny Birds.
What month was that?
The end of last year.
So December, 2011 is when you started. And now you are not in a year and already have a big agency (LaDirectModels.com) and a publicity firm. (RisingStarPR.com)
I started out with a different agent, and that agent was great but not the right fit for me, so every time I was on set people would ask me are you with L.A. Direct? And I would say no, and they would say oh, you look like an L.A. Direct girl. And so finally I thought I should go talk to them. I heard good things about them and Derek (the owner) so I went to see him and we decided to work together. As far as a publicist, a friend, Melina Mason signed on with them and had a lot of good things to say about them and gave me Devon’s (the owner) phone number. So I met with Devon and got signed on with them.

So now you have been in for ten months. How many scenes have you done?
About fifty-five-ish.
That’s a lot if you divide that up into only ten months, and plus camming three hours at night.
We are going to have to get you a wrist guard pretty soon. (Laughs)
I know. Or maybe I should switch hands or something.
It’s really hard to do it with the wrong hand isn’t it?
Very hard. I will have to use the vibrator. I have a baby Hitachi.

It’s possible you might even win some awards this year. I’m sure you will get some nominations. Although that’s not easy to do in your first year.
I’m really new, so I’m not expecting anything at all. It would be really cool of course. But I am just happy to be were I am at in the industry and have fun.
Did you go to the awards last year? Or will this be your first time?
I went last year, but I was brand new. I went for the experience to see what it was like. I didn’t know anyone yet. It was fun though. It was really cool to see all these people that I’ve seen in the movies.
Last year nobody really knew you, but this year you are going to friends and fans there. Did you watch porn before you started?
A little bit. Once I started looking at agencies, I started watching porn. I wanted to know what I was doing.
Who are your favorites?
Tori Black is actually one of my favorites performers. I watch her a lot.
She likes it nasty.
I love it. I like Jesse James too.
The night before your scene, or when you are getting ready for a scene, do you masturbate thinking about what is going to happen?

Yes. I masturbate all the time. I masturbate to get myself ready. I totally get off on thinking about what I do.

Who are your favorites that you’ve worked with?
Like every girl I like working with Manuel Ferrara.
You are right, everyone does love working with Manuel Ferrara.
Mike Blue is also a really good performer. I like working with him.
Good thing because something big is coming up for you in a couple weeks.
Yes, yes.
Are you scared or nervous?
Not really.

Are you practicing?
I am. I have about five different butt plugs sitting on my dresser right now. Every night I put a couple of them in and try them out. I have the big ones, small ones, vibrating one. If I just keep stretching every night I’ll be okay. It will be fun. I am reading a book on it, Anal Sex For Women, watching movies on it. I’ll be ready.
Wouldn’t it be funny to do an infomercial for anal sex?
That would be great. We should make one of those.
Watch Christie demonstrate our newest big seller. Now for only nineteen-ninety five you can have not one, but two vibrating anal plugs! (Laughs) Mick Blue is pretty sexy. And he has an accent doesn’t he?
Yes he does. And he knows what he is doing.

What does your ideal guy look like?
Kind of tall, toned and muscular, but not steroid muscles. I like a guy in a suit. Dark hair, blue or green eyes. No facial hair.
You know what you want!
And a big cock! Can’t forget the most important thing.
What does a hot girl look like to you?
I like so many different kinds of girls. I like blondes, brunettes. I like petite girls because I’m petite. Little tits and a nice ass. I like long hair. Just cute, with a cute personality.

Do you think you are submissive or dominant?
I think I am both. It just depends on the situation and the person. I’ve done both in the industry. I love when I get to dominate, but I also like to be dominated. I have to really respect someone to let them dominate me.
I saw some pictures you posted on your twitter account from when you shot a bunch from Brazzers.
Oh, yeah. It was three different shoots I did for them.
You looked adorable in all of them, but I liked the one where you were dressed up like Swiss Miss and they had a table full of sausages behind you. What was that?
It was an Oktoberfest theme, called Octoberfuck. I was a Bavarian Barmaid.

Did you eat sausage in that movie?
I did not. I mean I ate man sausage, but not the food sausage. (Laughs)
You are funny. I’d love to see you in a parody movie. I love those. I want to introduce you to a friend of mine, Will Ryder, who does a lot of the parody movies.
That would be great!
We’ll talk more about that on twitter.
Thank you I would love that.
I saw you were doing Pornstar cam house. Is that the same as the cam shows that we talked about?
Yeah, it’s a web cam show. But the way they do it is to hire actors who get paid as if it were a shoot.

Is that the same thing that Porno Dan does?
Yes, but I believe both of them later turn the shows into a DVD or web content.
I ask about Dan because I have some questions here that were submitted by your fans and one of them concerns Dan. So we will get to that. Do you have any fetishes?
I don’t know if this is really a fetish, but I like to be watched and I like to watch. I am a voyeur. I like to watch other people fuck live. And I like to have other people watch me.
That is really cool. So you can go in a couple hours early on your shoots to see the shoot they do before yours.
Yeah, so I can watch their scenes. That will get me ready for mine.
Exactly, get all horny for yours. Do you have an unfulfilled fantasy?
Yes. A gangbang and a DP. I haven’t done either of those, personally or professionally yet.
That’s great that you are looking forward to them.
Yes, I can’t wait.

So you are doing anal first, in a couple weeks. Than you can do the DP, than the gangbang. How many people do you want in your gangbang? And do you want girls and guys?

Oh, I haven’t even thought of that! That’s more of an orgy, but yes I want girls and guys. And then just guys too. I want to do both of them.
You are a little horndog aren’t you!
I am. Yes, I am a freak.
Everyone in adult is a little different, I like that. What do you think you are best at so far in your scenes?
I give a really good blow-job. I love getting into it in my scenes, using my passion and my energy. I don’t just sit there and get fucked. I do a lot of the fucking. I love to kiss and make-out. I like it to be real and authentic. I try to be creative.
You are in the right business. You seem to have all the right skills, and you have a bubbly personality.
Thank you!

What are the best and worst things about being in porn?

The best thing is I get to fuck for a living. I think that’s a dream job. If everyone could just have sex and get paid for it, everyone would do it, wouldn’t they? The worst thing about porn? I haven’t really found a worst thing yet. I guess just having a sore pussy. (Laughs)
Good answer! Are you doing a lot of feature dancing?
No not yet. I just did my first feature dancing show about a month ago at the Spearmint Rhino, but I haven’t done anything else yet. I’ve been focused on getting movies out before I really try to make it in feature dancing. I do love doing it though. I love getting dressed up and developing the themes for my shows, and getting in costumes. I like getting to be there with the crowd and the people watching me. I love to dance and I love music. I have great stage presence because I have been dancing my whole life. I really love the social aspect of featuring also. I love meeting everyone, and that they meet me in person.
What’s really fun about watching your feature shows?
I do giveaways. I play games.
Motorboating is always popular.

Yes, that too. (Laughs)

Here’s a political question for you. What politician would you most like to have sex with?
Oh wow.
You thought I was going to ask you who you are going to vote for didn’t you.
I thought you were going to ask that, and I was going to answer, “No comment.” (Laughs) Okay, it’s gotta be Sarah Palin. Who wouldn’t want to fuck Sarah Palin? Lisa Ann does a great job on those movies.
She does. I think Lisa Ann is hotter though. You know who you remind me of? You remind me of a combination of Mary Carey, Nikki Benz and a young Julie Ann.
Wow, Thank you!
You’re welcome! Is there anything you won’t do in porn? That’s legal I mean, of course.
I can’t think of anything. Nothing degrading. But that’s it. Oh, wait, I wouldn’t do triple anal.
Wow, I didn’t know anyone did triple anal. Double anal is the most I think I have ever heard of and that was I think Eva Angelina.
I won’t say no to double anal. But I might not shove a baseball bat up my ass. There aren’t many things I can think of that I wouldn’t do.
Are there other people in the double anal category? I didn’t think there were too many of those.
Amy Brooke. I think she did triple anal, don’t quote me on that though. I asked her advice on anal and she said, I only really prep for double anal. And for that I stick my biggest butt plug in and sleep with it.
I’ve heard lots of things about her. Nothing bad, just all crazy stuff.
She can do crazy stuff with her asshole.

?I don’t think that is what I would want as a caption under my name, but good for her! What is the best sex you have ever had?
I have a lot of great sex. Off camera, I’ve had some great threesomes with an ex-boyfriend. On camera, the most recent was the scene I just shot for Brazzers with Jacky Joy and Johnny Sins, that was really good sex.
Okay, fan question time! Would you marry a zombie?
No, I tend to go for the living.
(Laughs) I don’t think a cock on a zombie would be able to get hard.
Right, no blood.

Another fan question. Sabrina Deep did a Porno Dan Fuck-A-Fan with ninety people. Would you do that?
I don’t know if I physically could, but I would give it my best shot, as long as they were all tested and it was a legitimate shoot.
There’s a goal for you! A hundred guys!
I don’t think I would still be standing. And last question, do you have a message for your fans?
I wish I could suck all your cocks. In the meantime, enjoy my movies!
Book her through LA Direct Models

8 thoughts on “Christie Stevens Would NOT Marry A Zombie- An Exclusive Interview

  1. jeremysteele11 says:

    NL-SPOILER ALERT if you don’t want to know the ending of Skyfall, don’t read

    I just saw the latest 007 flick, Skyfall, and here’s my unique take on it:

    Killing off M is a way of MI6 clearing their collective conscious. Since many within the masses have become aware and aired their awareness about inside jobs like Princess Di’s MI6 hit, London’s 7/7 and 9/11, etc, their angle is now that they don’t know who and where the enemy is anymore; that it’s ubiguitous.

    This is the same kind of bullshit Robert Gallo, the “discoverer” of HIV says about his invention for which he was put on scientific misconduct trials for… that the virus/enemy is such a mysterious enemy, which defies all laws of science and understanding.

    But the truth is these mysterious enemies are manufactured and part of a multi-national lucrative scam that employ and enrich those who are participant in creating them, wittingly or not.

    Both the businesses of AIDS and terrorism are too lucrative (as well as serving other purposes of social control through fear and rights restrictions) to ever solve.

    The bad guy in this latest Bond flick misrepresents and demonizes disgruntled MI employees such as former MI6 whisteblower David Shayler, who realized he was a part of scam and choose because of his conscious to not participate in fighting terrorism when he realized his own and other related angencies were instrumental in the business of terrorism.

    Aside from all that, the movie was very physical and entertaining, although I still don’t understand why Bond survived being shot like that. He was shot twice, but we only see one wound. Also, the metal he was shot with, by his own MI partner, apparently, was composed of depleted uranium, that same nuclear waste which has been the blame of “Gulf War Syndrome” in Iraq, which the American government, hero that is, refuses to acknowledge any form of responsibility for. So if Bond was shot with that, he won’t be lasting much longer than M. And M yelling at the agent to take the shot when she can’t see what the fuck is happening makes it karma that she died in the end. The end.

  2. Third Axis says:

    Jeez, Jeremy, how about a courtesy spoiler alert!? Thanks a lot, buddy.

  3. No shit… Damn Steele you should not give away the ending of a blockbuster movie thats only been out for a week.

  4. jeremysteele11 says:

    sorry guys, I thought everyone had seen it by now, considering the box office record revenues

  5. Anyways this girl is pretty hot. Unfortunately she has a shit load of tats. Other then that she is hot.

  6. jeremysteele11 says:


    How retarded (dissected and excerpted Q&A below)

    In Skyfall, how did Bond … (SPOILER)?

    In Skyfall, how did Bond survive when he was unconscious in the water before the opening credits?

    Andrew A

    Best Answer – Chosen by Asker

    It was not shown in the movie and I think that makes a whole lot of sense since it’s a james bond movie. You know he will survive no matter what . How did he survive is not really the question. The movie gave the opportunity to the audience to use their imagination in that part of the film. the important thing is that he survived and how he survived is now up to your wild imagination 😀


    “Best Answer”?
    Thanks for explaining that, Queenie, you retard!

  7. btw… Jeremy what does Skyfall have to do with Christie Stevens?

  8. jeremysteele11 says:

    not much, n what does heinz have to do with porn? welcome to lib

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